
25 UI Inspiration and Design Pattern Resources

Are your fresh design ideas no longer fresh or are you a designer who continually re-uses the same old and trusted design patterns that have followed you for many a year? Or, you might just be a UI designer that is stuck in a rut? If you are looking to change all that, then this is the post for you.

This article offers inspirational UI resources as well as showcasing the best in design pattern solutions. Whatever your need for all of the sites and resources below, they all offer one thing in common… they all strive for better User Experience one design pattern at a time. – Patterns in Interaction Design

 is a reference or basic 'toolkit' that you can use when designing user experiences, that showcases and promotes a lot of the best practices within Interaction Design.
It does not attempt to be a substitute for creative design, it simply seeks to describe what you probably already know and have learned about, by offering solutions to common design problems.

GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

GUIdebook has been designed to be almost an online museum of graphical interfaces. This labour intensive site has been put together, clearly lovingly, by Marcin Wichary, whos admiration of those old and obscure interfaces has driven him to desperately preserve all, so as not to be forgotten. What a great job he has done!

You can use this site in two ways – as a way to look back and refresh some nice memories from a bygone era, or if are interested in seeing the evolution of GUIs throughout the decades (and it is fascinating to witness that). Either way, this is a must bookmark for anyone that even takes the slightest interested in GUI.

Not only does this huge repository have some marvelous vintage interfaces it is also has a mighty fine collection of GUI related articles that date back through the decades.

 is the work of Anders Toxboe – a Danish web developer who has saught to categorize what has before seemed like ad hoc approaches to developing web applications.

By not only listing different ways of solving common design problems, but also rationalizing about how, when, and why such solutions should be used, it is the goal of the site to create a tool that will help end future debates, get a clear understanding of why you’re doing what you’re doing, and why we’re not doing what we’re not doing. is an attempt to over time create a library of such solutions to common problems. It seeks to better the situation for the UI designer, who struggles with the same problems as many other UI designers that have struggled with before them.

Quince UX Design Patterns Explorer

Quince (pronounced kwinse) is a rich, interactive user experience (UX) design patterns library were you can search for patterns by keywords or explore all patterns, by task, by tag relations, or by wireframe.

The idea is to allow you to explore patterns via their relationships, which are based upon like tags, e.g., patterns tagged with Navigation were also tagged with Data Entry and so on.

Pattern Tap : Organized Web Design Collections

Pattern Tap was born out of a love for the best interface designs on the web. The developers of this fantastic and popular resource wanted a place where all UI designers could come and easily find the solutions they were looking for.

Pattern Tap is here to hopefully satisfy and encourage the inspiration needs of all interface designers and they aspire to be the design tap for your next inspiration need.


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